Tadashi Kawamata “Yume Ukihashi Work in Progress 2023” Exhibition/Student Exchange Work Review/Symposium

9/30 13:00-20:00 If you want to build a bridge over the Kamogawa vol.2 exhibition

10/29 13:00-18:00 Student exchange work reviews and symposium

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An art bridge project across the Kamogawa River by Tadashi Kawamata, who is based in Paris and active around the world.We will report on the progress toward realization through an exhibition of sketches and models with students from both Japan and France, a symposium on public art, and an installation on the banks of the Kamogawa River.

◆ If you want to build a bridge over the Kamogawa vol.2 exhibition
9/30 13: 00-20: 00
9/30-10/29 (held only on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays 11:00-17:00)

◆ Student exchange work review session by Tadashi Kawamata 
10/29 (Sun) 13:00 – 14:00 Kyoto City Arts and Crafts High School Exhibition Room

◆ Appreciation party/symposium “The bridge that connects Kyoto”
10/29 (Sun) 14:00 – 18:00 Kyoto City Arts and Crafts High School Terrace & Multi Hall
A symposium will be held on the theme of public art.
Speakers: Tadashi Kawamata (artist), Yoko Iwasaki (curator, associate professor at Saga Art College), Bruno Botella (artist, art instructor at Kyoto International French Academy), Kenji Kai (artistic director of Sendai Mediatheque), NAOyuki Ogino (photographer)

Flyer (front) Flyer (back side)

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▶Kamogawa river bank on the south side of Shichijo Ohashi Bridge ④Programs to be held at the venue
10/27-10/28 9:00-12:00 Yume Floating Bridge construction tour
10/28 17:00-10/30 8:00 Yume Uki Bridge open to the public

Tadashi Kawamata